About us

Meet the team

Our team is made up of committed and highly skilled individuals. We are proud of the diversity, not just of gender or cultural background, but also of thought, experience and expertise. This diversity helps us evolve our approaches, understand the impact of our programs and plan for the future.


Dr Janice Fletcher



Janice Fletcher is a Paediatrician, Geneticist and Genetic Pathologist. She trained in metabolic diseases and biochemical genetics in Sydney and Melbourne, before moving to Adelaide. Her interests include professional education, achieving quality outcomes in newborn screening and genetic diseases, and improving the interface between the laboratory and the clinician.

She is actively involved in bringing cost-effective next-generation sequencing into routine clinical use. She is a member of a number of professional and government committees.

Dr Arthur Morris


Board Member

Arthur Morris obtained his undergraduate science and medical
degrees from the University of Otago and his MD from the
University of Auckland. He trained in clinical microbiology in
Auckland and obtained his RCPA fellowship in 1989.

Dr Morris recently completed his term as chair of the RCPAQAP
Microbiology Programme, is a member of the RCPA Overseas
Trained Specialist interview panel and a College examiner in
clinical microbiology.

He has governance experience in listed and unlisted companies
and not-for-profit trusts and charities. He is a charter member of
the New Zealand Institute of Directors.

Prof Dominic Mallon

Clinical Immunologist, Fiona Stanley Hospital; and Immunopathologist, PathWest Laboratory Medicine

Board Member

Professor Dominic Mallon is the Head of Clinical Service, Immunology at Fiona Stanley Hospital and the immediate past Chief Pathologist of PathWest.

Dominic is a clinician who practises a broad range of immunopathology, allergy and clinical immunology looking after both children and adults with immunological and allergic disorders. Dominic also collaborates in clinical research projects into the mechanisms of tolerance induction in immunotherapy for allergic diseases; and impairment of tolerance mechanisms in autoimmunity.

Dominic is a former President of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) and of Public Pathology Australia.

Dr Rebecca Adams


Board Member

Dr Rebecca Adams graduated in medicine with First Class Honours from The University of Queensland in 2004, receiving the University Medal for Medicine, and several other academic prizes including the Lilian Cooper Prize for highest overall achievement over four years. She was awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) in 2014, and in 2019 also became a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Rebecca is a haematologist at Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology whose practice encompasses a broad range of diagnostic haematology. She also maintains a strong interest in education and training, and is the Training Network Coordinator for Haematology Advanced Training in Queensland as well as the Associate Chief Examiner in Haematology for the RCPA.

She serves on a number of committees, including the RCPA Queensland State Committee, the RCPA Haematology Advisory Committee, and the RPCA Overseas Trained Specialist interview panel, and is currently Chair of the Pathology Update Haematology Scientific Program Committee and a senior lecturer at The University of Queensland.

Richard Fogl

BCom(1981) LLB(1983) New South Wales, England and Wales, and Hong Kong qualified solicitor

Board Member

Richard Fogl is a solicitor and was the principal legal adviser to RCPAQAP and The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia for many years prior to his retirement from full time legal practice in 2020. Richard was admitted as a solicitor in NSW in 1984 and has practiced as a lawyer in Australia, Hong Kong and England. He has extensive experience in advising company boards on a wide range of commercial and governance issues.

Richard was an elected board member for 5 years and also led the Australian life sciences and healthcare practice for 7 years at a major international law firm. He has advised global pharmaceutical and medical device companies as well as many health services companies during his legal career. Richard has also been the pro bono lawyer for indigenous health providers.

Mark Meehan


Board Member

Mark is a company director, consultant and mentor with a background in international business, technology and strategy execution.  Mark executive held roles with major global businesses such as AXA, Cisco, Avaya, General Cable Plc and Equant and operated in Australia, UK, Europe, India and Singapore.

Earlier Mark was an Officer in the Australian Army and is a graduate of the Royal Military College, Duntroon and the UK Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham.

Advisory Committee Chairs

Professor Beena Kumar

Anatomical Pathology Chair

Beena Kumar is the Program Director of Pathology Monash Health, Victoria, Australia. She has held medical leadership roles within the Department of Pathology, the Anatomical Pathology and the Diagnostic Genomics Unit.

She is a specialist anatomical pathologist with more than twenty years of specialist experience. She has keen interest in breast, haematolymphoid and neuropathology pathology and is the designated pathologist for Monash Breast Screen at Monash Health.

Beena holds an academic position within the School of Clinical Sciences, affiliated with Monash University. She is involved in medical research and has worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and the University of Melbourne.

Prof William Rawlinson

Biosecurity Chair

Qualifications: AM FAHMS BSc(Med) MBBS PhD (Cantab) GCM FRACP FRCPA FASM FFSc

Director of Serology and Virology Division (SAViD), Director Organ and Tissue Donor screening laboratory, Director NSW State Reference Laboratory for HIV, Chair Biosecurity Quality Assurance Program (QAP) RCPAQAP, Deputy Chair Serology Quality Assurance Program (QAP) RCPAQAP

William Rawlinson is a clinician scientist recognised internationally for translational research into human CMV in pregnancy and other immune compromised clinical states. He established, and oversees, serology and virology clinical research programs, statewide transplant donor screening, and national quality programs for serology and biosecurity. The laboratory he directs studies pathogenesis of congenital CMV infection, clinical application of research findings to pregnant women and neonates, and novel antivirals. He is conjoint professor at UNSW with over 400 publications in basic research, diagnostic and clinical virology.

Dr Chris Farrell

Chemical Pathology Chair

Qualifications: BSc (Med), MBBS, FAACB, FRACP

Chris is the Clinical Director at Liverpool in Sydney. He trained in chemical pathology at Royal North Shore Hospital and Laverty Pathology. After obtaining Fellowship in 2012, he continued with Laverty Pathology, eventually becoming Director of Clinical Chemistry and Laverty Pathology.

Chris has a keen interest in the education and training of pathologists and scientists. He was previously the NSW/ACT education representative for the Australasian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (AACB) and is currently on the AACB Board of Examiners. In his research, he is currently interested in the use of laboratory data to answer clinical questions, streamline laboratory workflows and improve analytical quality.

Dr Shaun Donovan

Cytopathology Chair

Dr. Shaun Donovan commenced in the role of Chief Executive Officer of Diagnostic Services in March 2017. He is a graduate of the University of Tasmania Medical School and underwent his Anatomical Pathology training at the Royal Hobart Hospital and St. Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne.

Having a long association with the University of Tasmania medical undergraduate course, Dr Donovan has provided lectures and tutorials in gastrointestinal, breast, liver and male genitourinary pathology.
In addition to his duties as CEO he is the State Supervising Anatomical Pathologist for Diagnostic Services, maintaining a clinical workload reporting the full spectrum of histopathology and cytopathology and providing many pathology review meetings for referring doctors in addition to his administrative role.

Dr John Giannoutsos

Haematology Chair

Dr Giannoutsos obtained his MBChB in South Africa at the University of Cape Town/Groote Schuur Hospital, following which he completed a B Mus at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. Subsequently, he trained in laboratory haematology followed by clinical haematology training at Groote Schuur Hospital and then worked as a haematologist in the United Kingdom. After a period of registrar training in haematology in Australia, he obtained the FRCPA in haematology in 2007. In 2009 he was appointed staff specialist in haematology at Nepean Hospital, where he is currently employed as part of the New South Wales Health Pathology service.

Topics on which Dr Giannoutsos has published in peer-reviewed journals include bone marrow pathology, while abstracts, posters and presentations include morphology, various clinical case reports and quality assurance. Dr Giannoutsos is a member of the Haematology Clinical Stream for NSW Health Pathology whose functions include the roll-out of digital morphology in NSW and is involved with a web-based morphology training project. He assumed the role of chair for the Haematology Advisory Committee of the RCPAQAP at the end of 2017.

A/Prof Frederick J Lee

Immunology Chair

Qualifications: BSc, MBBS(Hons), PhD, FRACP, FRCPA

Frederick is a Senior Staff Specialist at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, the current Clinical Stream Directorfor Immunology at New South Wales Health Pathology and a Clinical Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney. 

Frederick holds a doctorate from the University of New South Wales for studies in the field of antiretroviral therapy and has been involved with the RCPAQAP since 2014, when he co-ordinated the transition of the Immunology Program to its present headquarters.

At his diagnostic site, Frederick oversees autoimmune, immunochemical and flow cytometric tests, and he has a particular interest in HIV diagnostics. He maintains an active role in vocational training as the current Chief Examiner (Immunopathology) of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) and a member of the Committee for Joint College Training of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) for Immunology/Allergy. 

Dr Michael Whiley


Qualifications: MBBS, FRCPA, FAACB

Michael provides high-level expert advice on clinical strategy and support needs. He works with the executive at NSW Health Pathology on reform initiatives that enhance quality and sustainability of their services, and works closely with the Chief Pathologist and network teams on clinical governance matters.

Michael has nearly 25 years of public pathology and leadership experience and has held senior roles across three states and territories as well as New Zealand. He served as Senior Director at Pathology Queensland for 10 years and has held various roles with ACT Pathology and recently spent just over twelve months as Acting Director of our Pathology West network.

He is a member of the Royal College for Medical Administrators and Fellow with the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia.

Dr Juliet Elvy

Microbiology Chair

Qualifications: BMedSci, BMBS, MRCP, FRCPath, FRCPA

Juliet is a Consultant Clinical Microbiologist based at both Wellington Southern Community Laboratories and Medlab Nelson Marlborough, New Zealand. 

She completed her training in the southwest UK in 2011 and moved to New Zealand in 2012. In her role as a clinical microbiologist, she has responsibility for a number of clinical microbiology laboratories across the South Island of New Zealand as well as the Wellington region. She is a fellow of both the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia and the Royal College of Pathologists (UK). Her particular interests include antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, antimicrobial stewardship and Choosing Wisely. She is passionate about quality and has been chair of the RCPAQAP Microbiology Advisory Committee since 2018. She is a key member of the New Zealand National Antimicrobial Testing Committee and the New Zealand Microbiology Network. 

Dr Eric Lee

Molecular Genetics Chair

Qualifications: MBBS, FRCPA (Genetics)

Eric is the medical laboratory director for Virtus Genetics, a private pathology provider of reproductive genetic testing. He is a member of the RCPA Genetics Advisory Committee and deputy chief examiner for the RCPA Medical Genomics examinations. He has been chair of the RCPAQAP Molecular Genetics Advisory Committee since 2022. Eric is experienced in the development and interpretation of a wide range of molecular and cytogenetic tests.

Dr Meryta May

Serology Chair

Dr Meryta May graduated from The University of Queensland in 1995 and is a paediatric infectious diseases physician and microbiologist. She joined Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology in 2004 after completing her paediatric infectious diseases training in Sydney at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, and Liverpool Hospital. Prior to this she worked in rural Queensland and at both of Queensland’s tertiary paediatric hospitals.

She has a particular interest in infectious disease diagnostics and has published on a wide range of paediatric infectious disease topics. As a member of ANZPID (Australia and New Zealand Paediatric Infectious Diseases) special interest group she has contributed to national guidelines for fungal infections in the immunocompromised and C. difficile infections in children.

Dr May is a member of ASID and the National Certification Committee for the eradication of polio. She is an editor for the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health and consults clinically at Queensland Children’s Hospital, Wesley Hospital and St Andrew’s Hospital.

Dr Michael Spies

Synovial Fluid Chair

Dr Michael Spies is a Rheumatology Staff Specialist at the Department of Rheumatology at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, where he provides care for patients in the Gout and Crystal Arthritis Clinic. He also has a keen interest in education and training and is the current Network Director of Physician Training for the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Basic Physician Training Network. Dr Spies is a Clinical Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney. He is the current Chair of the Synovial Fluid RCPAQAP, having succeeded A/Prof Neil McGill. The program provides quality assurance and teaching of synovial fluid examination for crystals to laboratories throughout Australia and further afield. Distribution of synovial fluid samples, yearly on-line teaching and in-person workshops are included in the program. The synovial fluid crystal teaching activities are assisted by world-class photographic and computer equipment in the Department of Rheumatology at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

Our Team

Professor Tony Badrick

Chief Executive Officer

BAppSc, BSc, BA, MLitSt (Math), MBA, PhD(QUT), PhD(UQ), FAIMS, FAACB, FACB, FAIM, Member Aust Maths Soc, FRCPA (Hon), FFSc(RCPA)

Tony was Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine at Bond University for 4 years before becoming the CEO of the RCPAQAP in 2015. He is an Adjunct Professor School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Honorary Associate Professor, National Centre for Epidemiology and Public Health Australian National University College of Health and Medicine, Honorary Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast, and Visiting Fellow, Australian Institute for Health Innovation, Macquarie University.

He was also President of the Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists (2003-2007), Chair of the Faculty of Science RCPA (2012-2018) and is Chair of the Education and Laboratory Management Committee of the Asian Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry, and currently the Chief Examiner of the Faculty of Science of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia.

Tony has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles mainly on the themes of Quality Control, Quality Management and Clinical Biochemistry.

Derek Holzhauser

Chief Information Officer

Derek Holzhauser is the Chief Information Officer at RCPAQAP. He brings 20 years worth of experience in pathology informatics. Derek has held previous pathology informatics roles at St Vincent’s Hospital, Cerner Corporation, and most recently as a Computer Manager for Sydney and South Western Sydney Local Health Districts.

He has a Bachelor of Biomedical Science and a Master of Applied Science in Biopharmaceuticals. In his role at the RCPAQAP, Derek is responsible for developing transformative information technology solutions and services.

Derek is leading the project responsible for developing RCPAQAP new software system which will transform the delivery of our EQA programs.

Zoe Vayanos

Head of Operations and Business Development

In her current position as Manager – Operations, Zoe Vayanos is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the operational activity of all RCPAQAP business units to ensure business objectives and targets are being met. Zoe brings a wealth of experience to this role with an extensive background in pathology, quality and business.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Science from the University of Sydney in 2006. She took up scientific positions in the South East Sydney Illawarra Area Health Service, primarily in Immunology and autoimmune diagnostics.

From 2013, Zoe ran a start-up business, which she developed into a franchise. As the Operations Manager, she was responsible for various company activities, including recruiting and onboarding franchisees, training, quality and risk management, legislative compliance and customer service.

In 2020, Zoe returned to her pathology career at the RCPAQAP as a scientific officer, taking on responsibilities as a Quality Coordinator and later as a Senior Scientist in Immunology. Zoe is passionate about leading our staff to ensure organisational strategy, culture and values are embedded within the team and to ensure the development of quality outcomes. She is committed to implementing improvement processes and policies that support business excellence to meet company goals.

Jennifer Ross

Quality Manager


Jennifer Ross (CMLS) trained in a number of pathology disciplines including microbiology, haematology and histology at the Queensland State Health Laboratories before commencing at the Royal Brisbane and Womens’ Hospital where she began her career in diagnostic cytopathology and achieved both the national and international certification qualification in cytology. Jenny became Cytology Manager at QML Pathology in the mid 90’s and took a strong interest in quality assurance, staff training and continuing education activities. In 2010 Jenny became the Manager for the RCPAQAP Cytopathology Program and oversaw its relocation from Brisbane to Sydney in 2013. This role heightened Jenny’s interest in quality management systems and in 2015 was appointed Quality Manager. She now oversees all aspects of the quality, WHS and environmental management systems at the QAP, including accreditation requirements, and leads a number of activities that drive a culture of continuous improvement across the organisation.

Peter Graham

Manager - Blood Disciplines

Peter is the Manager of the Blood Disciplines at the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs (RCPAQAP).  Blood Disciplines encompasses Chemical Pathology, Haematology, Transfusion, Serology and Immunology. He has a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Applied Science – Clinical Biochemistry.

Peter is a member of the Australasian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine Executive and continues to assist in a broad range of NATA accreditation inspections. He has worked in laboratory and management roles in clinical pathology related areas for over 30 years.

Both his clinical and accreditation experience has led to an ongoing interest in improving patient outcomes through quality assurance.

John Sioufi

Manager - User Experience

John Sioufi is a long-standing member of the RCPAQAP staff having worked previously at Westmead Hospital and Macquarie Pathology Laboratories and is highly experienced in all facets of haematology. John commenced his employment with the RCPAQAP Haematology in 1990, obtaining his role as manager from 1998 to 2017.

John has taken on the role of Manager, User Experience, where he ensures alignment of the internal and external user experience of RCPAQAP platforms with key customer and business needs. John plays an integral part in the development of myQAP, the new RCPAQAP software platform, where he is responsible for controlling program requirements, enforcing setup standards and supporting software configuration.

Julia Pagliuso

Manager - Tissue Disciplines

Julia has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Sydney, the Certificate of the Australian Society of Cytology, the Certificate of the International Academy of Cytology and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). Prior to her role at the RCPQAP, experience includes various appointment at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital including Laboratory Manager of Tissue Pathology and Diagnostic Oncology, Senior Scientist in Charge of Cytology and Special Projects Officer in Laboratory Information Services.

Julia has had an active interest in quality and continuing education throughout her career and now manages the Anatomical Pathology and Cytopathology disciplines at the RCPAQAP. She has held committee positions within the Australian Society of Cytology and is currently a member of the Biomedical Course Advisory Committee (UTS).

Anthony Green

Manager - IT Systems

Anthony has extensive cross functional training and experience in areas ranging from Information Technology (Web Development and Network Management) to Electronic Engineering and Office Administration.

Joining the RCPAQAP in 2009, Anthony supported the growing IT Infrastructure and playing a significant role in the consolidation of multiple remote offices into the single purpose-built facility in St Leonards.

As well as being focused on Health and Wellbeing, Anthony is also passionate about the environment and is a member of the RCPAQAP ‘Green Team’, working to reduce their Carbon Footprint.

Stephanie Gay

Scientist - Informatics

Stephanie has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Australian National University and has 30 years experience in Private Pathology before joining RCPAQAP in 2013.

Stephanie was appointed the  Manager of  Chemical Pathology for Hampson’s Pathology in Newcastle in 1995, and moved to the position of Area Manager for New England in 2006 and subsequently moved to take up the position of Area Manager for Riverina in 2011.  The role of Area Manager involved responsibility for both pre- and post-analytical aspects of Pathology, which lead to an ongoing interest in the quality aspects of these areas.

Stephanie is a NATA assessor and has performed assessments in both Chemical Pathology and pre-analytical areas.

Dr Torsten Theis

Head of Microbiology Disciplines


BSc, MSc (Biotechnology), PhD (Molecular Microbiology)


Torsten is the Head of Biosecurity, Microbiology and Molecular Infectious Diseases at the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs (RCPAQAP).

He received his PhD in Molecular Microbiology from the Berlin University of Technology (Germany). Following post-doctorate positions at University Colleges London (UK), University of Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney, he joined RCPAQAP in 2010.

In collaboration with the Public Health Laboratory Strengthening Department at the WHO Health Emergency Programme, Torsten is the RCPAQAP project lead for the development of PTPs for the detection of arboviruses, coronaviruses, and agents responsible for viral haemorrhagic fevers.


Michelle Keays

Manager - Marketing and Communications

Michelle Keays

Manager - Marketing and Communications

Sze Chai

Senior Scientist - Molecular Genetics

Sze Chai

Senior Scientist - Molecular Genetics

Megan Cooke

Manager - Alliance and Partnerships

Megan Cooke

Manager - Alliance and Partnerships

Rizzi De Leon

Solutions Specialist - Informatics

Rizzi De Leon

Solutions Specialist - Informatics

Peter Santosa

Scientist – Molecular Infectious Diseases

Peter Santosa

Scientist – Molecular Infectious Diseases

Scarlet Man

Coordinator - Customer Service

Scarlet Man

Coordinator - Customer Service

Elysse Dean

Sample Procurement - NSW Health Pathology

Elysse Dean

Sample Procurement - NSW Health Pathology

Mathi Saba

Company Accountant

Mathi Saba

Company Accountant

Zenobia Haffajee

Senior Scientist - Anatomical Pathology

Zenobia Haffajee

Senior Scientist - Anatomical Pathology

Ray Oreo

Solutions Architect - Informatics

Ray Oreo

Solutions Architect - Informatics

Allison Terrell

Manager - Laboratory Operations

Allison Terrell

Manager - Laboratory Operations

Junho Kim

Senior Scientist - Transfusion

Junho Kim

Senior Scientist - Transfusion

Katherine Ryan

Senior Scientist - Microbiology

Katherine Ryan

Senior Scientist - Microbiology

Loriza Khan

Senior Scientist - Haematology and Transfusion

Loriza Khan

Senior Scientist - Haematology and Transfusion

Yi Li

Senior Software Developer - Informatics

Yi Li

Senior Software Developer - Informatics

Janelle Greaves

Senior Scientist - Cytopathology

Janelle Greaves

Senior Scientist - Cytopathology

Deane Byers

Senior Scientist - Molecular Infectious Diseases

Deane Byers

Senior Scientist - Molecular Infectious Diseases

Neera Maharjan

Assistant Company Accountant

Neera Maharjan

Assistant Company Accountant

Nalishia Munusamy

Scientist - Molecular Genetics

Nalishia Munusamy

Scientist - Molecular Genetics

Catherine Kehoe

Coordinator - Laboratory Operations

Catherine Kehoe

Coordinator - Laboratory Operations

Wei Jiang

Senior Software Developer - Informatics

Wei Jiang

Senior Software Developer - Informatics

Samantha Shepherd

Senior Scientist - Chemical Pathology

Samantha Shepherd

Senior Scientist - Chemical Pathology

Allan Elsner

Solutions Specialist - Informatics

Allan Elsner

Solutions Specialist - Informatics

Dr Kwang Hong Tay

Application Specialist - Informatics

Dr Kwang Hong Tay

Application Specialist - Informatics

Dr Katherine Lau

Senior Scientist - Biosecurity

Dr Katherine Lau

Senior Scientist - Biosecurity

Abrar Taif

Scientist - Chemical Pathology

Abrar Taif

Scientist - Chemical Pathology

Vraj Evans

Senior Scientist - Immunology

Vraj Evans

Senior Scientist - Immunology

Tracey Dibbens

Coordinator - Customer Service

Tracey Dibbens

Coordinator - Customer Service

Rory Gough

Scientist - Biosecurity, Microbiology and Molecular Infectious Diseases

Rory Gough

Scientist - Biosecurity, Microbiology and Molecular Infectious Diseases

Rhys Judd

Manager - Customer Service and Infrastructure

Rhys Judd

Manager - Customer Service and Infrastructure

Rhys is the Manager – Customer Service at the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs (RCPAQAP).

He received his Bachelor of Medical Science from the University of Sydney.

Before joining the RCPAQAP in 2020, Rhys was the Restaurant Manager for a high-end venue, where he developed skills to build customer rapport and trained his team to deliver outstanding service.

He now brings those skills to the RCPAQAP, where he and his team manage customer enrolments, queries, and concerns about their RCPAQAP programs. They focus on providing our customers with timely, professional, and quality service whilst improving processes or suggesting improvements within the business in response to customer feedback.

Ashley Prasad

Senior Scientist - Serology

Ashley Prasad

Senior Scientist - Serology

Jason Flint

Coordinator - Logistics

Jason Flint

Coordinator - Logistics

Rogers Wei

Scientist - Haematology and Transfusion

Rogers Wei

Scientist - Haematology and Transfusion

Anushka Jayanetti

Scientist - Chemical Pathology

Anushka Jayanetti

Scientist - Chemical Pathology

Natasha Robbins

Scientist - Chemical Pathology

Natasha Robbins

Scientist - Chemical Pathology

Liam Shand Egan

Coordinator - Customer Service and Procurement

Liam Shand Egan

Coordinator - Customer Service and Procurement

Liam is a member of the Customer Service team at the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs (RCPAQAP). He received his Bachelors of Arts in Communications from the University of Technology (Sydney) while developing numerous film and theatrical productions across Sydney. Upon graduation, he worked with Diabetes NSW/ACT and the NDSS to help Australians access diabetes support services through various initiatives and programs throughout his time there.

Recently, Liam worked as the Distribution and Logistics Coordinator for Silver Trak Digital, serving as the primary contact for a number of major and independent film production companies and supporting local cinemas across the APAC region. He also assisted as a QC Technician for film and broadcast titles awaiting distribution.

Mahzuza Salwa

Scientist - Haematology

Mahzuza Salwa

Scientist - Haematology

Diana Tran

Scientist - Chemical Pathology

Diana Tran

Scientist - Chemical Pathology

Shiella Cerna

Scientist - Haematology

Shiella Cerna

Scientist - Haematology

Dr Menuk Jayawardena

Senior Scientist - Microbiology

Dr Menuk Jayawardena

Senior Scientist - Microbiology

BSc (Hons), PhD (Microbiology)

Menuk is one of the Senior Scientists in the Microbiology team at the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs (RCPAQAP). In 2009, he received his PhD in Clinical Microbiology from the University of NSW. His PhD and Post Doctoral studies involved understanding and combating bacterial biofouling mechanisms in clinical applications. Menuk joined the Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology (CIDMLS) at Westmead Hospital in 2011 and was a valuable member of the Reference laboratories of NSW. Over the next eleven years, he gained significant experience in PC4, Mycobacteriology, Mycology, Molecular Biology, Parasitology and Genomics. From 2018 – 2022, he was the scientist in charge of the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) laboratory at CIDMLS. He was responsible for developing second-line antibiotic testing panels and investigating antibiotic-resistant mechanisms by phenotypic and genotypic (WGS) methodologies.


He is a member of the Australia Society for Antimicrobials (ASA), the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) and the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM).

Alexander Dudley

Project Officer - Informatics

Alexander Dudley

Project Officer - Informatics

Felicity Rodriguez

Scientist - Serology

Felicity Rodriguez

Scientist - Serology

Melanie Otormin

Scientist - Microbiology

Melanie Otormin

Scientist - Microbiology

Sandya Arunachalam

Senior Scientist - Haematology

Sandya Arunachalam

Senior Scientist - Haematology

Elinor Cobbin

Scientist - Haematology

Elinor Cobbin

Scientist - Haematology

Dr Alexa Kaufer

Scientist - Biosecurity

Dr Alexa Kaufer

Scientist - Biosecurity