Review of method variation for IgG subclasses in an External Quality Assurance (EQA) program
Chemical Pathology
Review of a Clinical Cases EQA program – does access to online diagnosis improve clinical outcomes?
Chemical Pathology
The HCG EQA Conundrum
Chemical Pathology
An incidental finding
in a CSF Oligoclonal
Bands EQA
Chemical Pathology
The role of EQA in contributing to the harmonisation of Neonatal Bilirubin methods
Chemical Pathology
Unexpected method differences in a commutable Whole Blood HbA1c EQA Program
Performance of factor VIII extended half-life product measurement – a global external quality assurance
program study
A three-year review of an ESR External Quality
Assessment program
Increasing the granularity of the data collected increases the usefulness of the 2023 key incident
monitoring and management
systems (KIMMS) program
Using Virtual Microscopy for Parasitology External Quality Assurance (EQA)
Are Point-of-Care devices suitable for the management of Dengue
Virus infections? A comparison with
mainframe analysers using External Quality Assurance (EQA) data
Chemical Pathology
Evaluating the accuracy
of antibody screening and identification: Differentiating anti-D across laboratories
Review of EQA performance in a Fetomaternal Haemorrhage Estimation program over 4 years
Review of Viscoelastic EQA
programs performance post introduction of qualitative
Detection of Dabigatran Interference in an Activated Protein C Resistance (APCR) EQA
EQA review of reporting the
non-haematopoietic cells
in the bone marrow aspirate
Chemical Pathology
Reference Value Assignment of a
Commutable EQA
Chemical Pathology
Participation in Sweat
Conductivity Reporting
Over 10 years
Molecular Infectious Diseases
Human Papillomavirus External Quality Assessment 2009–2023 a Review
The Role of EQA in Laboratory Testing for Biological Threats in Australia
Chemical Pathology
Introduction of Urea
Breath Test External Quality Assurance Program
Fifteen Years of External Quality Assessment in the Laboratory Detection and Diagnosis of Anthrax
Chemical Pathology
Review of a Calprotectin
EQA Program
Method Comparison of Blood film differential performed by digital image and microscope morphology using RCPAQAP datasets
Chemical Pathology
Review of a Renal Calculi EQA Program
Chemical Pathology
Review of a Thiopurines
EQA Program
The road to the latest risk calculations by the RCPAQAP KIMMS Program
Review of lyophilisation of external quality assurance program material
Evaluation of method discordance in a doublestranded DNA antibody external quality assurance program
Chemical Pathology
Method Bias in Calcium Measurement
Chemical Pathology
Cholesterol Measurement – Unexpected Results in a Commutable EQA Program
One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Lessons from a Procalcitonin External Quality Assurance Program
Chemical Pathology
Stability of RCPAQAP Blood Gas and Co-Oximetry Samples
External Quality Assurance Program for Coronavirus SARS CoV-2 Antibodies – the first 12 months
Chemical Pathology
External quality assurance program for small intestine disaccharidases
Chemical Pathology
Introduction of a Point of Care Ketones EQA
Australian Laboratories compliance with NPAAC requirements for Send Away Tests
Chemical Pathology
Development of an Inborn Errors Dried Blood Spot External Quality Assurance Program
Molecular Genetics
Genetic Diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia by Next Generation Sequencing
Transfusion Reaction Investigation EQA, a six-year review
Results from 2019 Critical Calcium Results audit
Chemical Pathology
Educational Component of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs (RCPAQAP) Biogenic Amines Program
Chemical Pathology
How comparable are serum indices measurements between laboratories?
Inconsistencies in Reporting Anti-Streptolysin O: A Five Year Review
Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) screening quality assurance program: a five-year review of methods and performance
Ongoing improvements in laboratory
performance of coagulation factors VIII and IX: Recent experience from the RCPAQAP
Chemical Pathology
Stabilising PTH within RCPAQAP Materials: Exploring the Efficacy of Mg2+, Dextran, and Triton X-100
Quest for Quality in Digital Cytopathology
Anatomical Pathology
The challenges of implementing a PD-L1 proficiency testing program
Malaria Parasite Proficiency Testing - 11 year Review
Molecular Genetics
High rates of variation in HLA-DQ2/DQ8 diagnostic testing: Results from an RCPAQAP coeliac disease pilot program
Review of Factor XIII Screen Versus Assay: Results from the RCPAQAP
2nd KIMMS workshop. Where to now?
Chemical Pathology
Introduction of a Body Fluids External Quality Assurance Program
Chemical Pathology
Stability of Lyophilised General Serum Chemistry QAP Materia
Molecular Genetics
A Five-year Review: External Quality Assurance of Hereditary Haemochromatosis Testing
Chemical Pathology
Icterus Assessment in an external quality assurance program
Chemical Pathology
Total Pathway to Method Validation
External quality assurance within the
renewed National Cervical Screening
Program – a preliminary analysis
External Quality Assurance In Malarial Parasite Density Counts
Molecular Genetics
Evaluation of diagnostic testing for IDH1 and IDH2 gene variants in acute myeloid leukaemia
Informatics External Quality Assurance (IEQA) Down Under: Evaluation of a pilot implementation
Business Development
From Compliance to Excellence – the RCPAQAP and the Australian Business Excellence Framework (ABEF)
Environmental Management System Committee
Achieving Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001) Certification at the RCPAQAP
Unfractionated Heparin monitoring with Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time – RCPAQAP Questionnaire review
RCPAQAP Pilot Program for Strongyloides Detection
Risk in Pathology as measured by KIMMS
Synovial Fluid
Preservation of Synovial Fluid with Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO)
Chemical Pathology
Investigating the Effects of Lyophilisation on General Serum Chemistry EQA Material for Routine Measurands
A KIMMS survey on high risk results handover
Chemical Pathology
Anti-Müllerian Hormone: Results from the RCPAQAP Pilot Program
Chemical Pathology
Establishment of a real-time
external quality assurance program
Chemical Pathology
Introduction of a calibrator category to differentiate new Troponin reagent releases
The Changing Face of Activated
Protein C Resistance Testing –
A 10 Year Review
Evaluating a Strongyloides EQA Program: Outcomes of a two-year pilot study
Chemical Pathology
Fresh Whole Blood Immunosuppressants Program Review
The Royal College of Pathologists
of Australasia Quality Assurance
Programs 10 year review of INR
Business Development
Challenges of producing a new external quality assurance program
Malarial Parasite Rapid Diagnostic Testing – A Performance Review
Bone Marrow Morphology
Proficiency Testing – A Virtual Experience
Evaluation of a virtual ANA External Quality Assurance Challenge
Neutralisation of Rivaroxaban
Induced Interference by DOAC
Stop and Andexanet Alfa
Highlighting the need for harmonisation of G6PD reporting following the introduction of new antimalarials
Chemical Pathology
Challenging the robustness of plasma free metanephrine methods – Are laboratories hydrolyzing samples?
Single vs Dual platform: CD34+ External Quality Assurance Program, a fi ve year review
High variation in reporting of CD21lo B cell population during a pilot external Quality Assurance Program
Chemical Pathology
Investigation of a false positive codeine interference in an AACB/RCPAQAP Urine Toxicology Survey sample
Chemical Pathology
Comparison of low Troponin results in a commutable
EQA program
Variation in reporting of fractions in serum protein electrophoresis
The Effect of Dextran Sulfate in Heparin Monitoring Reagents
Do Point of Care Tests for Influenza & RSV Work? Four Years of Data
External Quality Assurance Challenges of a Factor XIII Deficient Sample
Inter-laboratory variation in B cells subsets reporting and its clinical implications
Method variation of Cytomegalovirus IgM assays in EQA
Anatomical Pathology
Evaluation of a virtual ANA External Quality Assurance Challenge
Chemical Pathology
Stability of RCPAQAP Blood Gas and Co-Oximetry Samples
Method Comparison of Antibody Titre Sensitivity using RCPAQAP Datasets
Comparison of EQA variation between two Sysmex instruments over a four-year period
Analytical principle vs measurement system to assess
Haemoglobinopathy EQA results
Chemical Pathology
Reporting of haemolysed samples for common pathology tests
Chemical Pathology
Monomeric prolactin introduction to endocrine EQA program
A five-year review of the RCPAQAP Antigen Phenotyping EQA
Molecular Genetics
Developing a quality assurance program on the detection of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene rearrangement in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Molecular Genetics
External Quality Assessment of Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Panel Testing –A Pilot Study
Molecular Genetics
ALK gene rearrangement in NSCLC by NGS: an EQA case report
Chemical Pathology
Introduction of an Everolimus
challenge sample in an
EQA program
Chemical Pathology
Comparison of low PSA
results in a commutable
EQA program
Chemical Pathology
PBG screening
availability during an
acute porphyric crisis
Molecular Genetics
EQA monitoring of BCR-ABL1 levels in CML using the International Scale (IS) to determine a molecular response
Molecular Genetics
Evaluation of an external quality assurance pilot program for the quality assessment of DNA extracts
Chemical Pathology
Observed Vs Desired
EQA Performance –
Z-Scores Vs APS
Chemical Pathology
Variation in ferritin results in commutable EQA samples