Handling of RCPAQAP proficiency testing materials


RCPAQAP proficiency testing materials used in RCPAQAP discipline programs may contain potentially infectious human-sourced material or infectious material including organisms in WHO Risk Group 2. No known test method can offer complete assurance that products derived from inactivated microorganisms and/or human sources will not transmit infection.

All proficiency testing materials supplied by RCPAQAP must therefore be considered as a potential biohazard and should be handled appropriately and with care. 

The participant is responsible for the safe handling, storage and disposal of RCPAQAP proficiency testing materials in such a way that ensures that the proficiency testing materials will not cause any harm to any person.

The participant understands and acknowledges that given the nature and characteristics of RCPAQAP proficiency testing materials;

  • laboratory staff should be trained in the handling of infectious materials
  • proficiency testing materials should be processed in a laboratory environment as identified by the relevant legislative requirements
  • they are aware of all matters that concern the safe handling, storage and disposal of proficiency testing materials;
  • they have the facilities and processes required for the safe handling, storage and disposal of proficiency testing materials;
  • that they follow Standard Safety Precautions when handling potentially infectious materials.
  • they utilise Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as identified by the relevant legislative requirements for the routine handling of potentially infectious

If accidental contact with material occurs laboratory staff should follow appropriate first aid procedures for exposure to an equivalent clinical specimen. Following exposure, medical advice should be sought. If accidental spillage occurs, follow routine procedures for clean-up of potentially biohazardous materials.