November 2019

Quickly Return to Classic myQAP

Access to the Classic myQAP portal is now available.

Report Read Status

Making life easier for users – this features highlights which reports a user has and hasn’t read.  Unread reports are highlighted in Bold.  Read reports are in regular print.

This feature also allows marking a ‘Read’ report to ‘Unread’ signalling to users that this report needs to be read.

Additional Report Auditing

The activity feed now show the details of who has opened a report.

Signed Off Report Status

By popular request, an additional Report Status ‘Signed Off’ is now available to users to manage their reports.

Filtering by Site

A handy report viewing feature for Quality Managers of organisations with multiple sites. Users can now filter available reports to only a single site.

Imported Notes

An enhanced review experience for existing users who have notes lovingly curated in the Classic myQAP.  These notes are now available and reunited with their relevant reports.

Reports Activity

Users can now see when and who inserted and/or removed comments when viewing the activity. This increases auditability and assists tracking of team feedback.

Review Flag History

It allows users see the who changed the report review flag in the previous Salesforce portal. This has been imported as report activity and provides a seamless user experience when auditing the history of a report.

Reports Attachment Icon

It shows users which reports have attachments at a glance. They can also see how many attachments there are, and click straight through to view the details within the reports page.

Comment Review Self-Assignment

myQAP automatically adds users who comment on a report to the list of reviewers. This is behind a feature toggle, so can be switched off as needed. Given the wide range of workflows the portal is used for, it will be interesting to see how this is received.

Breached Password Checking

Compares users’ password against the internet’s most popular password breach corpus, preventing users from reusing passwords that are known to malicious parties, and protects against credential reuse and stuffing attacks.