Dr Mary Dahm presents at RCPAQAP Quality Managers’ workshop
March 13, 2018 10:14 amDr Mary Dahm, Research Fellow at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, was an invited speaker at the Quality Managers’ workshop held by the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs (RCPAQAP) at their St Leonards offices on 23rd February 2018. This event focused on future directions for quality management and brought together almost 50 Australian and international Pathology Quality Managers responsible for accreditation and compliance within their respective public or private pathology organisation.
Dr Dahm presented on “Improving test results – communication, management and follow-up”. She outlined the research activities currently underway in partnership with NSW Health Pathology and the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care as part of a NHMRC Partnership Project spearheaded by Professor Andrew Georgiou.
Dr Dahm’s presentation lead into interactive round table discussions with the Pathology Quality Managers which focused on the safety implications of missed test results, current results notification processes and patient engagement in test result management.
Her presentation and discussion was very well received by the Pathology Quality Managers and helped to improve their understanding of the entire testing process, the importance of clinical handover and the practical problems often encountered in test management situations.
To find out more information about this research area please visit the Diagnostic Informatics webpage.
This article originally appeared on the Maquarie University website.